Marketing agency short form pre-pitch letter
Dear [Client]
We are due to meet at am/pm on [ ].
The topic for discussion will be [a launch campaign for interactive widgets]. We will be presenting to you our detailed proposals as to how a [fully integrated nationwide interactive widget launch campaign] might be planned, produced and run to your maximum advantage.
These proposals, which we believe to be original to us, will take the form of a proposal document for you to keep and a verbal commentary from our directors S. Snodgrass and R. Whittington.
This letter records the agreement between us that in return for our sharing with you our proposals, expertise and know-how (which from now on we will call the "Information"), you will not sell, assign or disclose the Information to any other person, organisation or corporation without our prior written permission.
Further, you agree that none of your employees, agents, officers or directors will make use of the Information, outside use for the purpose of deciding whether to appoint us to handle the [interactive widget launch campaign], unless specifically agreed to by us in writing.
You also agree to keep securely any documentation relating to the Information which we hand you during our discussion and any cards, notes or copies you may make relating to the Information, whether or not in machine-readable form. You will also return such documentation, research notes or copies to us forthwith at our request or at our option destroy or delete it.
Please countersign the attached copy of this letter to confirm your agreement to this and return it to us before the pitch.
Yours sincerely
[wording for copy to be countersigned]
We agree to the above
Signed: ………………………………………[Client]
Date: ………………………………………
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