Next Base’s ‘enhanced night vision’ failed to see this ASA ruling coming
The ASA has ruled on whether an image purporting to depict footage shot on a dash cam was representative of the product advertised. Josephine O’Dowd reports.
The ASA has ruled on whether an image purporting to depict footage shot on a dash cam was representative of the product advertised. Josephine O’Dowd reports.
The ASA combats misleading fitness ads that promise unachievable results for clients. Bryana Daniels reports.
The ASA highlights the importance of #ad disclosures in video content, and a useful tip on making use of age-restriction measures when advertising restricted products. Melissa Woodfield reports.
The CMA publishes an update on its work on loyalty pricing in the groceries sector. Melissa Woodfield reports.
The CMA publishes final advice for marketing green heating and insulation products, Emily Addleman reports.
IAB Europe publishes key commitments and policy principles for 2024-2029. Georgie Taylor reports.