Vytaliving misses vital advertising rules
ASA provides another ruling which highlights the strict regulation of health claims in relation to food supplements. Stefanie Lo reports.
ASA provides another ruling which highlights the strict regulation of health claims in relation to food supplements. Stefanie Lo reports.
The ASA has reported on its increasing use of artificial intelligence in regulation of UK online advertising, Emily Addleman reports.
The ASA begins groundbreaking initiatives to reshape online advertising regulation, targeting inappropriate ads in order to safeguard vulnerable audiences and enhance transparency. Bryana Daniels reports.
The FCA takes the baton from the ASA to oversee the regulation of cryptoasset advertising. TK Spiff reports.
AI is playing a key role in combatting non-compliant ads for the ASA, Bryana Daniels reports.
CAP and BCAP publish update statement on the use of digitally altered images in advertising
CAP has announced new rules and guidance on the advertising of alcohol alternative products. Gregory Barton reports.
The UK government looks at the current advertising regulatory system in the UK with specific reference to advertising to children. Bryana Daniels and Josephine O’Dowd report.