All Articles in Branded content
Here’s looking at you, kid: CAP reflects on children’s recognition of online advertising
Striking the right pose: body image issues in ads
No victory this time for (the portrait rights of) Max Verstappen against Picnic
The new ambush marketing ban in Italy
Influencer Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) warned by the ASA for cashing in on ASOS affiliate links
Complaints about Vape Nation’s e-cig adverts go up in smoke.
Q: When, will I, will I be famous? A: When you have 30,000 Instagram followers.
ITV and ASA couple up to give contestants advice on social media ads
The Coco Pops Monkey is redeemed
Guidance for influencer advertising published
CAP has issued guidance to influencers on when their content needs to be labelled as advertising. Elliott Prentiss reports.
Instagram following FTC warnings
After the FTC fires out letters to 90 online influencers, Instagram launches a new transparency tool to benefit both brands and audiences. Chloe Deng reports.