All Articles in Brands
Ambushing the podium: US Olympic Committee releases rule guidance on individual sponsorship
Sunday Riley escapes fines for posting fake reviews
Keep your gin up! ASA decision puts McQueen Gin ad on ice
The ASA releases its first rulings on gender stereotyping
Football season kicks off: the latest (adlaw) highlights
Meta advertising: can the use of meta tags infringe trademark rights?
Can only Red Bull ‘give you wings’?
Q: When, will I, will I be famous? A: When you have 30,000 Instagram followers.
ITV and ASA couple up to give contestants advice on social media ads
Guess what? Commission deems restrictive online search advertising policies to be anticompetitive
New proposals to “Blacklist” certain advertising practices and impose an obligation on review websites to conduct reasonable checks that reviewers used and paid for products