All Articles in health
AI’s clever ‘dose’ of prescription ad compliance
AI is playing a key role in combatting non-compliant ads for the ASA, Bryana Daniels reports.
Update on CAP and BCAP body image review: digitally altered images
CAP and BCAP publish update statement on the use of digitally altered images in advertising
UK government explores the current regulatory landscape for advertising to children
The UK government looks at the current advertising regulatory system in the UK with specific reference to advertising to children. Bryana Daniels and Josephine O’Dowd report.
Motion’s calendar app: time for more care on medical claims
ASA continues to take a strict approach to medical claims and marketing which discourages essential medical treatment. Katrina Anderson, Stefanie Lo and Anna Matsiienko report.
Whopper ruling for HFSS ads via email marketing
ASA ruling on ‘reasonable steps’ to avoid targeting HFSS products to under 16s. Katrina Anderson, Stefanie Lo and Charlie Hennig report.
Team RH not deemed a subscription team player
ASA deems Team RH’s subscription ad misleading as it fails to make clear the minimum subscription period Gabby Thornton reports.
“As low as” price claims under ASA scrutiny
The ASA finds price claims made by an online retailer of medical products to be misleading. Anna Matsiienko reports.
ASA rules against Supreme CBD for ‘Supreme-ly’ misleading adverts
The ASA rules against Supreme CBD for a series of misleading health claims and social media adverts by ex-sports players John Hartson, Matt Le Tisier, and company owner Anthony Fowler. Greg Barton reports.
If only O2HyperHealth were “hyper-aware” of the importance of seeking medical supervision
BEUC shares consumers’ views towards influencer marketing in its survey on “the fairness of the online environment”
US FTC 'guides' businesses on combatting deceptive reviews and endorsements