All Articles in Prices
Four the record: ISBA & IMTB’s Influencer Marketing Code hits version 4
KeyForHer food supplements: key reminders for claims targeted at those experiencing menopause
ASA rules against a food supplement manufacturer’s exaggerated re-wording of an authorised claim, Stefanie Lo reports.
CMA publishes update on its work on loyalty pricing in the groceries sector
The CMA publishes an update on its work on loyalty pricing in the groceries sector. Melissa Woodfield reports.
CMA is heating up on the green heating and insulation sector
The CMA publishes final advice for marketing green heating and insulation products, Emily Addleman reports.
English High Court considers when ads are comparative by implication
English High Court considers when ads could be considered comparative in nature, composition, efficacy and/or quality by implication. Anna Matsiienko and Louisa Morrison report.
Vytaliving misses vital advertising rules
ASA provides another ruling which highlights the strict regulation of health claims in relation to food supplements. Stefanie Lo reports.
Sobering news: new rules and guidance announced on alcohol alternatives
CAP has announced new rules and guidance on the advertising of alcohol alternative products. Gregory Barton reports.
UK government plans to stub out underage smoking and vaping
UK government has published its response to its “Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping” consultation, new legislation to follow. Greg Barton and Samantha Rooney report
ASA ruling examines influencer’s social media post at the Savoy for ad recognition issues
The ASA has ruled on a social media post by influencer promoting The Savoy. The case underscores the necessity of transparent advertising in influencer marketing, urging businesses to prioritise clarity in their campaigns for consumer trust. James Sharpley reports.
County cricket club’s latest craze
Essex County Cricket Club’s cryptoasset post sparks ASA scrutiny. TK Spiff reports.
Team RH not deemed a subscription team player
ASA deems Team RH’s subscription ad misleading as it fails to make clear the minimum subscription period Gabby Thornton reports.