All Articles in sponsored content
The ‘unfiltered’ truth behind product #ads
ASA issues warning on the use of violence in adverts
BrewDog’s fruity claim not so grape: ASA issues further warnings on how to promote alcoholic products
Chances of winning, free-entry routes and charitable giving: ASA pulls ex-Love Islander for a chat
New CMA Guidance for Social Media Platforms, Influencers and Brands
Recent ASA decisions on health and nutrition claims serve as a reminder to alcohol brands
Lights, camera, inaction part two: DCMS’ report on influencer culture fails to influence government
Influencers shilling for cryptoassets held “misleading and irresponsible”
Gambling and lottery ads featuring football stars won’t score with the ASA
Wild Drinks deemed too wild
Will #photoshopped be forced to make an appearance? MPs call for altered image labelling laws