All Articles in Transparency
New CMA Guidance for Social Media Platforms, Influencers and Brands
ASA publishes anticipated research into consumer understanding of ‘carbon neutral’, ‘net zero’, and electric and hybrid vehicle claims
The Department for Levelling Up needs to level up their marketing communications
ASA rules that Global’s ‘Top 40’ is not the ‘official’ chart
Digital Services Act published in Official Journal of the European Union
Screen With Envy told to Screen With Clarity
Lights, camera, inaction part two: DCMS’ report on influencer culture fails to influence government
Influencers shilling for cryptoassets held “misleading and irresponsible”
CAP and BCAP search for better coverage on prise-rise and comparison claims
Onlinegolf’s latest ad deemed sub-par by the ASA
Will #photoshopped be forced to make an appearance? MPs call for altered image labelling laws