Anna Williams
All Articles by Anna Williams
ASA Annual Report 2021: Rebalancing toward proactive ad regulation for the digital era
The ASA isn’t being cryptic about cryptocurrency
ASA names and shames non-compliant influencers
The ASA updates its jurisdiction
ASA issues guidance on free trials and changes to promotions
CMA promises a crack-down on online gambling operators who ignore consumer legislation
The CMA has promised enforcement action against unfair practices and promotions in the online gambling sector. We look at what this means and what the CMA and Gambling Commission are contemplating. Anna Williams reports.
CAP: new rules prohibiting sexualisation of under-18s in ads
Does the use of Google AdWords or AdSense raise the risk of trade mark infringement or passing off claims for brands?
The High Court rejected Argos’s trade mark infringement claims against Argos Systems Inc’s use of www.argos.com with Google AdSense. Anna Williams investigates the extent to which Google AdWords or AdSense can give rise to trade mark or passing off risks.
No more “28 day” rule – pricing and promotions under the spotlight
The long-awaited CTSI guide to pricing practices has introduced a step change in pricing considerations Well-known rules, such as the “28-days” rule for price establishment, have been replaced.
Things get frosty between the government of Iceland and ‘Iceland’ supermarket
Things have become frosty between the retailer and country that share the name “Iceland”. Anna Williams looks into why the Icelandic government has just launched legal action and the trade mark issue they are basing their attack on.
Advocate General opines on retailer comparative advertising