Julia Darcel
All Articles by Julia Darcel
French Broadcasting Authority alert to surreptitious advertising
Extension of advertising obligations to providers of video sharing platforms
French Parliament adopts law on the commercial use of child influencers’ image on video sharing platforms
French courts explore reuse of footage for a different purpose in the context of foie gras
Marketinglaw Update | October 2019
Guide to good practices in influencer marketing in France
New reporting duties on seller of digital ad spaces in France
The much anticipated French decree of 9 February 2017 implemented the provisions of Article 23 of French Sapin Law (i.e. reporting duties on sellers of ad spaces) into the framework of the digital advertising world. Julia Darcel and Claire Bouchenard report.
New French regulation adds requirements for retouched photographs
France imposes new obligations on advertisers to fight against misrepresentation of females’ bodies. Claire Bouchenard and Julia Darcel report.
The rebirth of the French Public Authorities’ rights over their image properties
A new French legislation provides that the commercial use of national estates’ images, on any media, shall be subject to a prior authorisation from the administrator of the relevant property complex. Claire Bouchenard and Julia Darcel report.