Rebecca Chui
All Articles by Rebecca Chui
Clashes with cashback claims: ASA upholds complaints that cashback claims are misleading
Eight tips we learned from the ASA’s rulings on crypto ads
ASA rules that Not Guilty Food Co is guilty of breaching advertising regulations
The CMA’s scrutiny of algorithms: just how harmful are they to consumers and competition?
Money can’t buy happiness? ASA rules that linking mood-boosting with the use of deferred payment services is irresponsible
Striking the right pose: body image issues in ads
ASA and MHRA shoot down ‘vitamin shot’ ads
ASA slams down on misleading and irresponsible COVID-19 claims
Could your express top-parity claim be interpreted as a superlative claim?
Not so bouncy for Bounce Back Drinks
Marketinglaw Update | December 2019